I was just browsing through Vanity Fair and noticed a small picture of a car and the word “Ferrari”. I looked at the car more closely and thought it was a mistake because the small photo I was looking at didn’t resemble anything close to a typical Ferrari. When I zoomed into the picture, however, I was made aware of the interesting new direction that Ferrari is headed. The design resembles a mix of a few styles: the front end of an Aston Martin, the rear hatch of a BMW X6 and the overall form of a Lexus. It’s exciting to see Ferrari going into unknown territory like this, if not for the fact that Ferrari has proven to be one of the most predictable car designers out there (although their cars are stunning, the overall designs never seem to change that much through the years). Here’s Vanity Fair’s review of the Ferrari FF:
Ferrari has just unveiled its latest range-topping model, the FF, and it’s nothing if not audacious. Perpetuating the thoroughbred DNA of a virtually unbroken line of grand-touring cars dating back to the marque’s first production models, in the late 1940s, the FF has all the classic Ferrari GT features, including a potent V-12 engine up front, a coddling and elegant leather-lined cabin, and a roomy trunk capable of holding a weekend’s worth of bespoke luggage. But unlike any other production Ferrari in history, it also features an innovative four-wheel-drive system and a pronounced shooting-brake style: an elongated, be-hatched body type that’s usually custom-built on an extant sports-car chassis for folks such as sheikhs or hunt-loving royals. The $300,000 FF looks like nothing else on the road, while exuding effortless speed and excessive luxury—which is the precise job description of the Ferrari GT.
For more finds like this be sure to check out the Style section of Vanity Fair. For all things Ferrari, you can check out their latest designs in more detail at Ferrari.com.
Source: Vanity Fair