There’s an old saying about charity beginning at home. Surprisingly, the same is true for a healthful lifestyle. While workplace and general outdoor safety are essential, the biggest threats to a person’s health and well-being are in the home. Accident prevention, enhanced hygiene, staying active, eating nutritious meals, and preventing fires are examples of how the average homeowner can boost the overall health and wellness quotient of their living spaces. Here are pertinent details about each category.


Personal hygiene is one of those subjects that people tend to avoid. But it’s not all about physical habits and bathing. It also entails things like housecleaning, eliminating germs on common surfaces, and monitoring the buildup of dangerous gases like radon. The best way to get a handle on home-based hygiene is to make daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly cleaning lists. It’s less work than most people suspect, and a systematized cleaning regimen means never having to do major housework on weekends or ever. The trick is to devote about 30 minutes per day to chores like dishes, dusting, and laundry. Vacuum and dust at least once per week and save other chores for the monthly list. You can schedule a deep cleaning once per year.

Accident Prevention by Installing a Home Lift

One of the most common in-home accidents is falling, especially on stairs. For older adults and anyone else who wants to virtually eliminate that risk, installing a home lift is an excellent plan. Companies like Lifton offer a wide range of options for homeowners of all ages and income levels. How do lifts add to home health and safety? First, they offer a 100% safe alternative to using steps and staircases. For elderly and disabled adults who spend much of their free time at home, a lift is a welcome addition. Not only that, but lifts can increase both the value and selling price of a property should the owners ever decide to move somewhere else.

Outdoor Hobbies

Homeowners are fortunate if they have outdoor space in a yard, greenhouse, or poolside to engage in fun hobbies. Gardening, woodworking, and landscaping are favorites among those who have the available space. Some property owners install basic exercise equipment in their yards so they can take advantage of fresh air and sunlight while getting a vigorous workout. There’s no need to overspend to assemble an exercise area, small greenhouse, or woodworking shed.

Dining In

Eating most meals at home is an excellent way to save money, but it also helps avoid unhealthy, processed foods that they’d otherwise consume at fast food restaurants and convenience stores. Consider purchasing one of the many healthy eating cookbooks and trying your hand at basic recipes. Those who try in this direction are surprised at how much better they feel when they prepare and consume most meals at home. Avoiding restaurants is an ingenious way to save a substantial amount of money month after month.

Fire Safety

For families and single people, a fire plan is an essential part of staying safe year-round. For parents who have young children, regular fire drills are a must. Even childless couples and singles need to make a specific plan about what they would do in the event of a fire. As disaster survivors know well, it’s nearly impossible to think logically in times of intense stress. That’s why it’s wise to make a simple, written plan for how to escape in the event of a house fire. Know where to go to get out quickly and how to save valuables and pets as well. Memorize the plan so you won’t have to rely on clarity of mind should you face a fire in your home.

Photo via Unsplash


I've been writing since 2008 about a wide range of topics. I also love making furniture in my spare time, and birdwatching with my wife near our home in southern England.

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