There are a large number of classic preparations for the treatment of wounds. These are solutions for dressing wounds: physiological solution, Rivanol, Povidone foam, Boric acid, Octenisept, Potassium permanganate, and others. For a very long time, gauze and bandages have been used for dressing wounds. Nowadays, they are considered obsolete because they stick to the wound, causing pain and quickly absorbing fluid from it.

In addition to the humidity in the wound, there must always be a uniform temperature because when the wound cools down, the processes and stages of wound healing slow down (enzyme activity stops, mitosis of fibroblasts stops, angiogenesis stops…). Also, regulating the acid-base balance in the wound is very important for the ordinary course of healing.

Read below, because we have prepared only the best tips on how to heal a wound for you.

Wound Cleansing

Cleaning the wound itself and its surroundings when changing the dressing is always necessary because this removes part of the exudate and necrosis from the wound, which was not absorbed by the dressing. There is a belief that the wound is best cleaned with hydrogen or some aggressive antiseptics or cleaning solutions to which antibiotics have been added. It is known that hydrogen is toxic to fibroblasts and also that some antiseptics are extremely toxic to young cells in the wound. Even antibiotics cannot exert antibacterial activity locally; on the contrary, they can only have a toxic effect or cause bacterial resistance to these antibiotics. Therefore, if antibiotics are needed, they are applied systemically only.

It is recommended to rinse the wound and its surroundings with drinking water, which is most easily achieved by bathing the patient. Also, the wound can be washed with a physiological solution that has been heated. After washing the wound, it is necessary to dry the surrounding skin and protect it with a suitable cream or ointment, which protects the skin from maceration and maintains its elasticity.

Selection of Wound Healing Materials

What we choose depends on the type of wound and the degree of tissue damage. The choice should be left to the plastic surgeon who deals with wounds. Manufacturers followed the demands of experts, and today there is a whole range of modern dressings for healing and treating wounds, such as supplements, medicines, peptides such as TB500, and many others. Coatings are divided into primary and secondary. The primary ones are those that are in direct contact with the wound surface, and the secondary ones have the role of holding the primary dressing in the right place while at the same time protecting the wound surface from the influence of the external environment. Today, there are more and more linings that have the role of primary and secondary lining at the same time. The application of these dressings is simple, easy, and fast, and no additional dressing materials are needed because they are easily attached to the surface of the wound.

The Solution Is With the Help of the Surgeon

Any wound with a diameter greater than 1 cm when there has been a complete interruption of the continuity of all skin layers requires an examination by a surgeon. A visit to a plastic surgeon is mandatory if the wound is on the face, neck, or hands. Timely and professional treatment of wounds on the face and neck will lead to permanent healing with minimal scarring. Examination and subsequent follow-up by a plastic surgeon are very important because of the possible development and prevention of scars (keloid, hypertrophic scar).

Although a small, open injury to the hand can be complex, i.e., in addition to the skin injury, it can also be accompanied by tendon or nerve injuries. An examination by a plastic surgeon is mandatory within the first few hours of the injury due to primary treatment of the wound and prevention of infection. The hand is an important functional organ with very complex functions, which is why the treatment of the hand must be fast and effective so that rehabilitation can begin as soon as possible.

Wounds that have mild, seemingly insignificant bleeding deserve special attention. If such scanty bleeding lasts for several hours, it can lead to significant blood loss and is considered risky for the patient. Therefore, on the way to the first medical facility, the injured person should be accompanied by another person or transported by ambulance.

If the wound remains untreated, even if it is very small in diameter, it can easily become infected. Even the smallest wounds, such as broken calluses on the hands or feet, torn cuticles, or combed bites from various insects, can easily become infected, so do not delay and treat your wound in time.

Photo via Pexels




I've been writing since 2008 about a wide range of topics. I also love making furniture in my spare time, and birdwatching with my wife near our home in southern England.

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