This article is for people who are looking to save money on their energy bills but do not want to have a negative effect on the environment. There are many options out there for everyone’s unique needs and budgets, which can allow you to save money, while still living an environmentally conscious lifestyle. Here are some of them.
1. Solar panels
Solar power is one of the most efficient and cleanest resources out there. The sun emits more energy towards the earth in a single hour than all 7 billion people use in a year. On top of this, the prices have been going down for decades and are still very affordable. They can be used on your house or directly through your appliances. According to a trusted solar installer in Australia, 1% of households now rely solely on solar energy as their main source of power. There are several companies that offer great deals from installation to maintenance at prices that start under $10,000. If you do not want to go completely green quite yet, even installing two small panels can significantly reduce your energy bill.
2. Wind power
Wind turbines are another green option that is growing in popularity due to the low cost, ease of installation, and minimal upkeep. For those who live on or near water, this can be an excellent choice as there would never be any issues with access to the resource needed for running them (water). Also, it has been found that they provide energy even at nighttime when the demand is highest. They offer many benefits, such as allowing you some control over what you spend on your bills and not having to pay hundreds of dollars each month for installation costs. Just like solar panels, they require little to no maintenance.
3. Geothermal energy
With this type of power, instead of relying on the sun or wind like solar and wind power respectively, it directly harnesses heat from the earth to provide power for your home 24/7. It is actually one of the most abundant resources out there. It also has by far the highest performance rate with zero carbon emissions whatsoever, which is an extremely positive attribute to have when trying to save money while still being environmentally conscious. The process by which this happens is through using pipes that are either driven into the ground or placed deep in special holes drilled into the ground to gather water that has been heated up by the earth. There are also several government incentives available if you happen to live in an area where this resource is abundant.
4. Microgenerators
This type of generator is different from others because it harnesses kinetic energy, which means the resources used would primarily be your everyday household items such as candles, chargers, etc. It begins with placing small generators all around where water would be and making your house rely on movement (human or otherwise) to create energy, giving you more control over what you spend and not having to worry about cleanliness like other green techniques. These generators are not that expensive to install and can be done on your own. Some benefits of having these types of generators are the low cost, the fact you can control how much energy you use more than any other source, and the option to turn them off while still using some electricity if necessary without the worry of it shutting down completely.
5. Biodiesel
By far the most affordable of all renewables, biodiesel is a type of fuel that can be produced from an array of resources such as old restaurant grease to even recycled cooking oil. Some benefits include the fact that it can be used to heat your home, run many of the machines you already have, and it is very cheap compared to others. Also, because biodiesel does not emit any fumes to pollute the atmosphere, this would mean less money out of your pocket for medical bills or lost workdays. Another benefit is that biodiesel has been said to boost horsepower due to its unique properties, which means you will pay less at the pump since you won’t have as much resistance against the engine itself.
6. Alternative Transportation
If you really want to go green and save money on gas, get rid of your cars and switch to public transportation. Unless you live in a rural area, there is probably some type of public transportation you could utilize. Not only would this save money on gas, but it will also help to reduce your carbon footprint from your cars. You’ll also be able to get in some needed exercise by walking or biking to the bus stop. Be aware that electric bicycles are becoming more and more popular, and they do help you save money on gas. They require very little maintenance, and they still give you an environmentally friendly alternative when it comes to transportation.
7. Energy Efficiency
Be sure to check how energy efficient your appliances are before you purchase them. Look for the Energy Star Label, which will tell you how much energy a product uses in comparison to similar ones. If you aren’t sure if an appliance is energy efficient, search online for the wattage on different products, so you can estimate how much it costs to use. You should also consider changing your light bulbs out with higher-efficiency ones, such as compact fluorescent or LEDs.
8. Green Lifestyle
Instead of buying inexpensive products with harsh chemicals, try going green. It may cost more money to purchase green products, but you will save in the long run because they won’t be as expensive to maintain. Many times, these products will even help you cut down on your energy usage and costs by not needing as much heat, light, etc. For example, a green dryer may require less heat and be more energy-efficient than your current one.
Small changes can save you money on your bills! One of the easiest ways to go green is by recycling, which will also help the environment. Doing bigger or smaller changes every day will make the planet a better place to live in, so do your best and think about why these changes are necessary.