Today was an incredibly strange day. I’ve always been hyper-sensitive to major weather changes, so the fact that Atlanta’s been getting slammed by a huge rain storm all day long has a lot to do with it I’m sure. Sure it’s Monday and all, but it seems everyone at work today was either on edge, grumpy, or having a personal meltdown. Add the mega-downpour and soggy skies into the mix, and boom — a heavier than usual day for pretty much everyone. On the drive home I happened to be listening to Radiolab and caught the very beginning of a woman’s story which, for the next 25 minutes, had me absolutely spellbound. Listen below as writer and filmmaker Diane Weipert explains what happened when a young 20-something couple moved into the apartment directly opposite hers. The story was broadcast on Radiolab, but was originally produced by the amazingness that is the Love & Radio podcast. (Photo via JC Backings)